The Social Norms Approach to behavior change integrates insights from various disciplines, including social marketing, sociology, behavioral psychology, and evaluation research. This approach is based on several foundational principles:
Our attitudes and behaviors are significantly influenced by our perceptions of our peers' attitudes and behaviors.
Often, some of those perceptions are inaccurate. We tend to overestimate the number of peers who engage in and value unhealthy behaviors, while underestimating those who engage in and value healthy behaviors.
In a group or population where the majority make healthy choices, but believe their peers do not, a social norms marketing campaign can correct these misperceptions and encourage healthier choices.
Social norms marketing campaigns are based on accurate, current information about the target audience and adhere to sound social marketing principles.
The effectiveness of social norms marketing interventions can be undermined if the overall environment supports and promotes unhealthy choices.
Effectiveness is enhanced if the promoted norms reflect a group that individuals closely identify with.
Social norms marketing campaigns are best viewed as cultural change interventions, requiring more than one year to realize significant behavioral changes.
It avoids scare tactics and the stigmatization of unhealthy behaviors. Instead, it:
It does not impose moralistic messages from authorities on how the target group “should” behave.
It highlights the healthy norms already existing within the group.
It builds on community assets by involving community members and showcasing those who make healthy choices.
Effectively sharing real information about peer behaviors, highlighting healthier norms, and using positive, data-driven messaging that leverages peer influence to promote healthy choices has shown to be a key way to promote individual and cultural change.