
Epidemiology of College Health

June 22, 2015

This publication, authored by  James Turner and Adrienne Keller of the National Social Norms Institute, summarizes 3 1/2 years of data from the student health services of  universities participating in the College Health Surveillance Network. This is the first article in the college health literature to be based on epidemiology and service utilization data from multiple institutions across multiple years. The article’s title links to the online version.

Title: College Health Surveillance Network: Epidemiology and Health Care Utilization of College Students at U.S. 4-Year Universities


James Turner, MD and Adrienne Keller, PhD


Journal of American College Health, published online June 2015; awaiting print publication


Objective: This description of the College Health Surveillance Network (CHSN) includes methodology, demography, epidemiology and health care utilization. Participants: Twenty-three universities representing approximately 730,000 enrolled students contributed data from January 1, 2011 through May 31, 2014. Methods: Participating schools uploaded de-identified electronic health records from student health services monthly. Results: During this study, just over 800,000 individuals used the health centers, comprising 4.17M patient encounters. Sixty percent of visits included primary care, 13% mental health, 9% vaccination, and 31% other miscellaneous services. The five most common specific diagnostic categories (with annual rates per 100 enrolled students) were preventive (16); respiratory (12); skin, hair and nails; infectious non-STI (5 each); and mental health (4). Utilization and epidemiologic trends are identified among subpopulations of students. Conclusions: CHSN data establishes trends in utilization and epidemiologic patterns by college students and the importance of primary and behavioral health care services on campuses.


Linking best evidence with best practice to promote effective social norms marketing campaigns

Linking best evidence with best practice to promote effective social norms marketing campaigns to improve health on college campuses and beyond.