Social Norms Messages

The Power of PIE

July 3, 2014
The Power of PIE

How do you create a great social norms marketing message? Whether it’s a poster, a social media post, or a radio spot, here’s a simple trick (compliments of Michael Haines) to crafting social norms messages that will resonate with your intended audience: Make a PIE.

Positive: Focus on desired behaviors that the intended population already practices or supports. Avoid focusing on the undesired behaviors. As Johnny Mercer sang, “You’ve got to accentuate the positive; eliminate the negative…”

Inclusive: ensure that the message and images are reflective of the target audience, and express welcome to all the diverse members of this group. You will often see cartoon images or iconic images used in social norms advertising, to avoid inadvertently excluding any parts of the audience.

Empowering:  The message that “most of your peers already believe this/are doing this” dispels misperceptions, empowers those already making the healthy choice, and tells others, “you can do it too!”

Linking best evidence with best practice to promote effective social norms marketing campaigns

Linking best evidence with best practice to promote effective social norms marketing campaigns to improve health on college campuses and beyond.